Our team

Divna Haslam

Dr Haslam is a research consultant clinical psychologist at the University of Queensland and the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research. In 2023 she was a Ministerial appointment to the Queensland Child Death Review Board who is tasked with providing the government with systemwide recommendations to improve the safety and wellbeing of children in Queensland.

Dr Haslam has a PhD in Clinical Psychology and is an experienced clinician as well as an academic. As an academic she has published >100 peer reviewed papers, book chapters and reports. She has also developed a range of clinical resources in the area of parenting and child and well being, including 4 measures that have been translated into > 10 languages.  She has received over $10 million dollars in research funding.

Dr Haslam  is particularly interested in conducting applied research with direct practice and policy impact to support children and families.  She believes all children have the right to a loving,  safe, violence free childhood.  Her work in this field using a prevention lens with a population focus. She aims to help children and families improve life outcomes via the targeted reduction of known risk factors and enhancing protective factors in childhood.

She is frequently called on by the media for comment on parenting issues and was appointed by DFAT as an expert advisor in the area of parenting to assist the Indonesian government to develop a parenting directorate.

For more information on Dr Haslam and her publications see here

Our Team

Professor Ben Mathews

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Dr Holly Erskine

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Associate Professor Franziska Meinck

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Professor David Finkelhor

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Professor Daryl Higgins

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Dr Hannah Thomas

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Professor Rosana Pacella

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Professor Michael Dunne

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Professor James Scott

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Professor David Lawrence

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Dr Eva Malacova

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Ms Monica Madzoska

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Dr Huyen Do

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Dr Nam Tran

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Dr Ha Le

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Our partners

The ACMS is proud to partner with the National Health and Medical Research Council, The Social Research Centre, and the Australian Government on this important project. For more information about our partners please click here.
