We are happy to announce that are two PhD scholarships available for exceptional students to work on the ACMS data. The scholarships have been generously provided by the the Australian Catholic University for work within the Institute for Child Protection Studies working with Professor Daryl Higgins (Director of the Insitute). External supervision by other ACMS team members will be offered.
The successful candidate will have a relevant academic background, a genuine interest in the field, and experience in quantitative data analysis. Two proposed topics are detailed in the advertisement but there may be room to negotiate a different topic within the broader area. The successful applicants will have access to data from the Australian Child Maltreatment Study and will get to work with leading experts in the field. Remote supervision is possible for interested students outside Victoria.
Click here for details. Interested applicants are encouraged to reach out to Prof Higgins in the first instance via email daryl.higgins@acu.edu.au. Expressions of interest close Sunday 26 September 2021 11:59pm (AEST). Full applications close 11.59pm 17 October 2021 AEDT and are for commencement in 2022.