Journal article

Year of publication / 2023

Child sexual abuse by different classes and types of perpetrator: Prevalence and trends from an Australian national survey

Prevalence physical abuse Sexual abuse

This paper outlines the prevalence of child sexual abuse by perpetrator class. It reports the prevalence of child sexual abuse by both adult and adolescent perpetrators as well as by subcategories within each class (eg familial, known adult, known adolescents).  The paper highlights were progress has been and where we should continue to focus our efforts.

It is available open access here.


Suggested citation

Mathews, B., Finkelhor, D., Pacella, R., Scott, J. G., Higgins, D. J., Meinck, F., Erskine, H. E., Thomas, H. J., Lawrence, D., Malacova, E., Haslam, D. M., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2024). Child sexual abuse by different classes and types of perpetrator: Prevalence and trends from an Australian national survey. Child Abuse & Neglect, 147, 106562.
