
Year of publication / 2023

A multi-sector response ACMS event hosted by the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

In June 2023, Victoria’s peak body the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare hosted a multi-sector response to the Australia Child Maltreatment Study. The event, held in the Olympic Room of the Melbourne Cricket Ground,  brought together 200 sector leaders to hear about the ACMS findings and discuss how the various sectors should respond.

In opening the event CEO of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, Deb Tsorbaris,  said “Once seen, the findings of the ACMS report cannot be unseen. The data gives us no choice but to act”.

Rebekah Kilpatrick, Head of the National Office of Child Safety, also introduced the event. She emphaised that everyone has a role to play. “It isn’t about one government response. It isn’t about one organization. It’s not about one person. It really is a whole of community issue, and it’s going to take a whole of community response if we want to do something about it.”

Professor Ben Mathews and Professor Daryl Higgins outlined the ACMS findings during a one-hour public oration. Following this,  a panel discussion was held to discuss service and sector implications. The panel discussion included

  • Annette Lancy – AG Deputy Secretary at the Department of Families, Fairness, and Housing
  • Anne Hollonds – National Children’s Commissioner
  • Dr Lisa J Griffiths – CEO of Ozchild
  • Catherine Liddle – CEO of SNAICC
  • Rebekah Kilpatrick – Head of the National Office for Child Safety
  • Prof. Ben Mathews – Lead Investigator, ACMS
  • Prof. Daryl Higgins – ACU ACMS Chief Investigator

A video of the event except the panel discussion, can be viewed here.


