Journal article

Year of publication / 2023

The prevalence of corporal punishment in Australia

Corporal punishment smacking

This paper outlines the prevalence of the experiences (in childhood) and use (by parents) of corporal punishment in Australia. As well as community level beliefs about the necessity of physical punishment in raising children. It also reports the changing patterns by age group which indicate societal change.

The paper titled The prevalence of corporal punishment in Australia: Findings from a nationally representative survey, is available open access via the Australian Journal of Social Issues or in the link on the side of this panel. A video summary of the paper can be viewed below.


Suggested citation

Haslam, F; Malacova E;  Higgins, D; Meinck, F; Mathews, B; Thomas, H; Finkelhor, D; Havighurst, S; Pacella, R; Erskine, H; Scott, L; and Lawrence, D (2023). The prevalence of corporal punishment in Australia: Findings from a nationally representative survey Australian Journal of Social Issues (online first)


