About the study
Our governance framework
The ACMS was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council. Queensland University of Technology was the administering organisation for the ACMS, and Professor Ben Mathews was the Lead Investigator. The governance framework comprised three groups.
An Operational Group
The Operational Group comprised the scientific investigators, the Project Manager, the Director of Research at the Social Research Centre, and other professional project staff. The Operational Group was responsible for day to day carriage of the project including all aspects of research design, methodology and implementation.
A National Advisory Board
The Advisory Board comprised approximately 60 members with expertise and seniority to represent the following areas:
- State and Territory government departments (Communities/Child Safety; Health; Education);
- State and Territory Children’s Commissioners (or Advocates or Guardians);
- Australian government departments and agencies (Department of Social Services; National Office for Child Safety; Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet; Australian Institute of Criminology Australian Bureau of Statistics; Australian Institute of Health and Welfare);
- Community groups, foundations or NGOs with expertise in child maltreatment, prevention, parenting programs, and service provision (including all peak service provider agencies in each State and Territory; ARACY; Save the Children; NAPCAN; CREATE);
- Clinical and professional sectors dealing with children (e.g., health and education profession stakeholders);
- Indigenous organisations; and
- Youth organisations.
Members of the Advisory Board had three broad roles:
- Advocate for the ACMS with government agencies, relevant stakeholders, and the community as appropriate.
- Engage as required in the Board’s functions, including responding to requests for advice as needed (e.g., sharing of information, general communication).
- Advise on optimal knowledge translation of ACMS findings, including: (1) the most effective communication of findings to key stakeholders; (2) providing insights into the most important analyses to conduct; (3) appropriate and sensitive presentation of findings, especially in relation to findings regarding Indigenous Australians, and in relation to other vulnerable or minority populations.
An International Technical Expert Panel
The Technical Expert Panel comprised senior national and international external academics with expertise in a specific area or methodology. The role of the Technical Expert Panel was to provide specific technical advice and support on an as needed basis. A list of the members of the Technical Expert Panel can be found here.
Our partners
The ACMS is proud to partner with the National Health and Medical Research Council, The Social Research Centre, and the Australian Government on this important project. For more information about our partners please click here.